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Founded 1906
Reformed 1938
Golden Miller Ladies of 1982-83
Celebration time with a fancy dress party for the 'Golden Miller' Ladies after winning the then Hospital (now Charities) Cup in the 1982/1983 season.

At the very back is Shirley Hughes then left to right is June Minett (Baby), Liz Budworth (Looby Lu), Di Case (Landlady of the Golden Miller), Tina Ashfield (Bunny Girl), Ray Case (Landlord), a gent from the brewery and Pat Kerr (School Girl) still wears the outfit on Friday night.
Seated in the front are Iris Ashfield (Convict), Jean Minett (Choir boy), Ann Watts (Sporty Type) ..... don't even go down that road, Mo Purser (Wee Willy Winky)
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